Module dhivehi_nlp.language_models

Create language models to predict future additions. Language models will give probability based on selected ngram. An ngram is contiguous sequence of n tokens from the given input text.

ދީފައިވާ ލިޔުމުގައިވާ ބަސްތަކަށް ބެލުމަށްފަހު ފަހުން މިލިޔުމަށް އައިސްދާނެ ބަސްތައް ލަފާކުރާނެ މޮޑެލްއެއް އުފެއްދުން

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"""Create language models to predict future additions. Language models will give
probability based on selected ngram. An ngram is contiguous sequence of n tokens
from the given input text.

ދީފައިވާ ލިޔުމުގައިވާ ބަސްތަކަށް ބެލުމަށްފަހު ފަހުން މިލިޔުމަށް އައިސްދާނެ ބަސްތައް ލަފާކުރާނެ މޮޑެލްއެއް އުފެއްދުން 

import sqlite3
import pkg_resources
from dhivehi_nlp import tokenizer

def ngrams(text: str, n: int):
    Returns a list of dicts of the ngrams in the text along with their count.
    The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict
    will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.
    އެންގްރާމް ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ. މީގައި އެންގްރާމް ލިޔުމުން ފެނުނު އަދަދު ވެސް ހުންނާނެއެވެ
    >>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
    >>> ngrams(text, 2)
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި"), "count": 2},
        {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "count": 1},
        {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "count": 1},
    if n == 1:
        grams = tokenizer.word_tokenize(text, removePunctuation=True)
        sentences = tokenizer.sentence_tokenize(text)
        grams = []
        for sentence in sentences:
            tokens = tokenizer.word_tokenize(sentence, removePunctuation=True)
            grams_sentence = [
                tuple(tokens[i : i + n]) for i in range(len(tokens) - n + 1)
            grams = grams + grams_sentence
    grams_counted = []
    for gram in set(grams):
        counted = {"gram": gram, "count": grams.count(gram)}
    return grams_counted

def model(text: str, n: int):
    Returns a list of dicts of a word or phrase in the text and the probability
    of the of the word or phrase appearing in the text.
    The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict
    will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.

    ބަހެެއް ނުވަތަ ބަސްތަކެއް ލިޔުމުން ފެންނާނެ ކަމުގެ ޕްރޮބަބިލިޓީ ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ
    >>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
    >>> model(text, 3)
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "probability": 0.5},
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "probability": 0.5},
    probabilities = []
    if n == 1:
        grams = ngrams(text, 1)
        tokens = tokenizer.word_tokenize(text)
        for i in grams:
            probability = {"gram": i["gram"], "probability": i["count"] / len(tokens)}
        grams = ngrams(text, n)
        grams_minus = ngrams(text, n - 1)
        for gram in grams:
            if n == 2:
                gram_search = gram["gram"][0]
                gram_search = gram["gram"][: n - 1]
            for g in grams_minus:
                if g["gram"] == gram_search:
                    probability = {
                        "gram": gram["gram"],
                        "probability": gram["count"] / g["count"],
    return probabilities

def _db_connect():
    db_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename("dhivehi_nlp", "data/dhivehi_nlp.db")
    con = sqlite3.connect(db_path)
    return con

def news_model_predict(word: str, max_output=10):
    """Predict the next word using a model based on news bigrams. Model was made
    from a 10000 random sample from 132029 news articles obtained from
    Returns a list of dicts containing the predicted word and the probability
    of that word occuring after the input word, ordered by probability in
    descending order.
    The max_output keyword argument determines the size of the return list and
    is set to 10 by default if argument is not given.
    If there are no bigrams containing the input word as the first word, None is

    ސަން އެމްވީގެ ހަބަރު ތަކުން ހަދާފައިވާ މޮޑެލް ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން، ދީފައިވާ އަކުރަށްފަހު އަންނާނެ އަކުރު ލަފާ ކުރާނެ އެވެ
    >>> text = 'ވަނަ'
    >>> news_model_predict(text, 3)
        {'prediction': 'އަހަރު', 'probability': 0.18434617471513837},
        {'prediction': 'ދުވަހު', 'probability': 0.175122083559414},
        {'prediction': 'އަހަރުގެ', 'probability': 0.09603906673901248},
    con = _db_connect()
    cursor = con.cursor()
    query = f"SELECT * FROM news_bigrams WHERE first='{word}'"
    matches = cursor.fetchall()
    if not matches:
        return None
    total = 0
    for i in matches:
        total += i[2]
    results = []
    for i in matches:
        result = {"prediction": i[1], "probability": i[2] / total}
    if len(results) > max_output:
        results = results[:max_output]
    return results


def model(text: str, n: int)

Returns a list of dicts of a word or phrase in the text and the probability of the of the word or phrase appearing in the text. The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.

ބަހެެއް ނުވަތަ ބަސްތަކެއް ލިޔުމުން ފެންނާނެ ކަމުގެ ޕްރޮބަބިލިޓީ ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ

>>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
>>> model(text, 3)
    {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "probability": 0.5},
    {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "probability": 0.5},
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def model(text: str, n: int):
    Returns a list of dicts of a word or phrase in the text and the probability
    of the of the word or phrase appearing in the text.
    The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict
    will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.

    ބަހެެއް ނުވަތަ ބަސްތަކެއް ލިޔުމުން ފެންނާނެ ކަމުގެ ޕްރޮބަބިލިޓީ ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ
    >>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
    >>> model(text, 3)
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "probability": 0.5},
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "probability": 0.5},
    probabilities = []
    if n == 1:
        grams = ngrams(text, 1)
        tokens = tokenizer.word_tokenize(text)
        for i in grams:
            probability = {"gram": i["gram"], "probability": i["count"] / len(tokens)}
        grams = ngrams(text, n)
        grams_minus = ngrams(text, n - 1)
        for gram in grams:
            if n == 2:
                gram_search = gram["gram"][0]
                gram_search = gram["gram"][: n - 1]
            for g in grams_minus:
                if g["gram"] == gram_search:
                    probability = {
                        "gram": gram["gram"],
                        "probability": gram["count"] / g["count"],
    return probabilities
def news_model_predict(word: str, max_output=10)

Predict the next word using a model based on news bigrams. Model was made from a 10000 random sample from 132029 news articles obtained from Returns a list of dicts containing the predicted word and the probability of that word occuring after the input word, ordered by probability in descending order. The max_output keyword argument determines the size of the return list and is set to 10 by default if argument is not given. If there are no bigrams containing the input word as the first word, None is returned.

ސަން އެމްވީގެ ހަބަރު ތަކުން ހަދާފައިވާ މޮޑެލް ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން، ދީފައިވާ އަކުރަށްފަހު އަންނާނެ އަކުރު ލަފާ ކުރާނެ އެވެ

>>> text = 'ވަނަ'
>>> news_model_predict(text, 3)
    {'prediction': 'އަހަރު', 'probability': 0.18434617471513837},
    {'prediction': 'ދުވަހު', 'probability': 0.175122083559414},
    {'prediction': 'އަހަރުގެ', 'probability': 0.09603906673901248},
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def news_model_predict(word: str, max_output=10):
    """Predict the next word using a model based on news bigrams. Model was made
    from a 10000 random sample from 132029 news articles obtained from
    Returns a list of dicts containing the predicted word and the probability
    of that word occuring after the input word, ordered by probability in
    descending order.
    The max_output keyword argument determines the size of the return list and
    is set to 10 by default if argument is not given.
    If there are no bigrams containing the input word as the first word, None is

    ސަން އެމްވީގެ ހަބަރު ތަކުން ހަދާފައިވާ މޮޑެލް ބޭނުން ކޮށްގެން، ދީފައިވާ އަކުރަށްފަހު އަންނާނެ އަކުރު ލަފާ ކުރާނެ އެވެ
    >>> text = 'ވަނަ'
    >>> news_model_predict(text, 3)
        {'prediction': 'އަހަރު', 'probability': 0.18434617471513837},
        {'prediction': 'ދުވަހު', 'probability': 0.175122083559414},
        {'prediction': 'އަހަރުގެ', 'probability': 0.09603906673901248},
    con = _db_connect()
    cursor = con.cursor()
    query = f"SELECT * FROM news_bigrams WHERE first='{word}'"
    matches = cursor.fetchall()
    if not matches:
        return None
    total = 0
    for i in matches:
        total += i[2]
    results = []
    for i in matches:
        result = {"prediction": i[1], "probability": i[2] / total}
    if len(results) > max_output:
        results = results[:max_output]
    return results
def ngrams(text: str, n: int)

Returns a list of dicts of the ngrams in the text along with their count. The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.

އެންގްރާމް ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ. މީގައި އެންގްރާމް ލިޔުމުން ފެނުނު އަދަދު ވެސް ހުންނާނެއެވެ

>>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
>>> ngrams(text, 2)
    {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި"), "count": 2},
    {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "count": 1},
    {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "count": 1},
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def ngrams(text: str, n: int):
    Returns a list of dicts of the ngrams in the text along with their count.
    The ngram is based on the n value provided. If n = 1, the resulting dict
    will have unigrams. If n = 2, bigrams and so on.
    އެންގްރާމް ތަކުގެ ލިސްޓެއް އަނބުރާދޭނެއެވެ. މީގައި އެންގްރާމް ލިޔުމުން ފެނުނު އަދަދު ވެސް ހުންނާނެއެވެ
    >>> text = "ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރު. ބުނެފައި އަދި އިތުރުކަމެއް"
    >>> ngrams(text, 2)
        {"gram": ("ބުނެފައި", "އަދި"), "count": 2},
        {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރު"), "count": 1},
        {"gram": ("އަދި", "އިތުރުކަމެއް"), "count": 1},
    if n == 1:
        grams = tokenizer.word_tokenize(text, removePunctuation=True)
        sentences = tokenizer.sentence_tokenize(text)
        grams = []
        for sentence in sentences:
            tokens = tokenizer.word_tokenize(sentence, removePunctuation=True)
            grams_sentence = [
                tuple(tokens[i : i + n]) for i in range(len(tokens) - n + 1)
            grams = grams + grams_sentence
    grams_counted = []
    for gram in set(grams):
        counted = {"gram": gram, "count": grams.count(gram)}
    return grams_counted